talia sutraのプロフィール・鍛え方・トレーニング方法、ヨガまとめ






名前 talia sutra(たりあ すとら)
身長 不明
体重 不明
国籍 イスラエル生まれニューヨーク育ち
誕生日 不明
職業 海外ヨガインストラクター


talia sutraは美しいヨガの画像をインスタで投稿


talia sutraに彼氏はいるのか



talia sutraの経歴は

2010年 NYイーストビレッジでヨガを教え始めます。

その後4年にわたり世界でヨガを教え、現在も、インスタグラムを通じてヨガの魅力を伝えています。現在は、産後で育児真っ盛りの為、ヨガ動画alo movesでのヨガインストラクターの仕事がメインでしょう。

talia sutraのトレーニング・鍛え方

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Bath time, kind of. 😂 #stretchitout #stay #flexible wearing earth tones by @aloyoga

talia sutraさん(@talia_sutra)がシェアした投稿 –



Love & All Is Coming Flowという30分のヨガ動画。タリアストラさんの可愛らしい美貌にも目がいってしまいます。美ボディを目指す人には、とても参考になるフローヨガです。

talia sutraの画像まとめ



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I can’t believe I was away from him for eight days. It feels like a dream now. I’ve been home for a day and a half now and I’m writing this after experiencing a small miracle. While I was away, Akiva (who is now 13 months old, eating solid foods well and still breastfeeds often) had an ample supply of expressed breast milk stored for him. He finished the last bag the day I got back. I was getting detailed reports from best-dad-ever @ezrabaderman daily. I never imagined that I would return and Akiva wouldn’t want to breastfeed anymore. But that’s what happened. He refused every time I’d try, but not in a non interested way. He would cry and look utterly confused and sad. I felt helpless. He was clinging to me asking for “boo” (his word for breast milk) but shaking his head and crying no at the same time!! Naps and sleeps were becoming more difficult because of this confusion. I found myself unable to do anything. Ezra would give him the expressed milk from a bottle and I would have to hide somewhere. Tonight after playtime and dinner, I was hiding so Ezra could put Kiki to sleep, but it just felt off. Akiva wasn’t falling asleep and the vibe was just not right. I shifted into a new awareness. I knew what to do. It was past his bedtime. I asked Ezra to leave and the two of us alone played until he asked to go to bed. I took him to our bed instead of his and lay down next to him. He giggled the sweetest little laughs of joy and turned on his head doing somersaults! Haha! I was laughing along. Then he just lay next to me and latched on and it was like nothing had ever happened. The sweetest feeling of peace. I think he was must have been very confused at which bedtime and feeding routine to follow- since Ezra and I were both with him together since I returned. I’m so happy I was able to, despite the jet lag, shift into love gears, follow my intuition and most importantly: follow Akiva…He always tells us exactly how he feels…we just have to make sure we’re listening. 💛 #loveandalliscoming #momlife #yoga #breastfeeding #baby #cute #cutestbaby #yogababy Wearing the gorgeous earth color by @aloyoga Capture by my love @ezrabaderman

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